December 22, 2024 - News and Notes
Fourth Sunday in Advent - Pastor: Rev. Andrew P. Keller
Church: Phone 219-984-5421 / Email - Daycare: Phone 219-984-5994
Pastor’s Cell Phone: 812-216-8850; Pastor’s Email:
Church Secretary: Linda Hall (765-430-2173)
Those Who Serve Us this morning: Deacon: Kyle Marlatt; Organist: Pam Blakey
WELCOME to all who have come to St. James to worship our Lord. Whether you are a member or a guest, we are glad that you have joined us here to hear the Word of God and to receive His gifts.
THOSE WE ARE KEEPING IN OUR PRAYERS: (Please contact Pastor or Linda Hall by Wednesday of each week to add petitions or update current information.) For all the sick, suffering, enduring, and recovering: including Joe Bougher, Michael Bortscheller, Jennifer Brushwood, Virginia Casey, Lillian Cleefman, Jody Connell, Lisa Crosby, Arnold & Loretta Dahlenburg, Kay Danner, Ginni Davis, Terry Dehning, Carleta Downs, Matt Gagnon, Carlita Gossell, Ivory Henry, Sean Higgins, Candace Hill, Kathy Howard, Anne Humphrey, Ralph Jennings, Cindi Kent, Jerry Mattos, Lori Mattos, Troy Mattos, Jennifer McClellan, Ronald Miller, Orville Moore, Alex & Katie Lichtle-Mullenix, Andrew & Jenn Mullenix, Gary Noe, Abby Parks, Leighton Profrock, James Reinhardt, Janet Ritter, Garry Ross, Tom Ryan, Marlene Schroeder, Mike Schroeder, Anna Stetler, Stephanie Talley, Mary Wade, Doris Wagner, The Walts Family, Wayne Whitaker, Charles Wiese, Jim Willner, Bob Wilkinson, Will & Jeanette Wilson, Rick Yoder.
BIBLE STUDIES: Please join us for our Bible studies that we offer throughout the month. Adult Bible Study and Children’s Sunday School take place after church down in the Parish Hall. LWML will meet on the first and last Tuesdays of each month. All are welcome to join us as we study God’s Word!
LIVE-STREAM of the service is available down in the Parish Hall for those who need to step out of the Nave during the service.
St. James' WEBSITE can be accessed at Worship services are recorded and an edited audio version is posted each week. Services can also be live-streamed via our Facebook page: (St. James Lutheran Church-Reynolds, IN).
WORSHIP ANEW—This Sunday's (December 22) broadcast will be led by Rev. Dr. Thomas Ahlersmeyer. His sermon is titled “The Nativity of Our Lord” based on Matthew 1:21. This broadcast can be found online at Additionally, if you are looking for more Lutheran worship or music, visit
PEW CARDS: In each pew, we are using Pew Cards for special contact with Pastor. There is a visitor’s side that we invite guests to fill out for us. Additionally, members may fill out the card if they desire prayer requests or a visit from Pastor. Cards may be placed in the offering plate and they will get to Pastor’s desk.
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM is on Tuesday, December 24th at 6:30 PM. Please have the children there at 6 PM to get ready. Additionally, there will be a dress rehearsal on Monday, December 23 at 1 PM. Afterwards there will be hot chocolate!
THANK YOU for everyone who helped, donated or attended the St. James Lutheran Childcare Christmas Program. It was a big success!
Thank You to the 2024 sponsors of our Christmas Poinsettias:
Ron and Kathy Bassett in memory of Willard & Nancy Bassett, Shadron Bassett, and Herb & Yara Olson
Pastor and Pam Blakey in memory of Garnita Rebber
Ron and Abby Byrd in memory of Amelia Profrock, Ruthann Coulter and Johnny Simmons
David and Sara Davis & Family in memory of Larry Davis
Ginni Davis in memory of Larry Davis
Jerry Dolick in memory of Judy Dolick
Steve and Linda Hall in memory of our parents Earl & Sharon Gentry and Harry & Mae Hall
Bryan and Gretchen Heimlich in honor of Maci Heimlich and Alex Cobb’s Wedding
John and Barbara Heimlich in honor of Maci Heimlich and Alex Cobb’s Wedding
Cheryl Hites in memory of Richard & Eldine Dahlenburg & Lewis Hites III
Phyllis Hoover in honor of family and friends
Mike and Margo Liebner in memory of our fathers Byron Liebner and Don DeVore
Jackson Marlatt
Bill and Denise Schroeder in memory of Jordan Schroeder, Herman and Dorothy Schroeder, Noreen White, Jean Schroeder, Steve Schroeder and Jim Wagner
Don and Cheryl Surprenant
Bob Whitaker and Jo Strugeon in memory of Susan Whitaker
Wayne Whitaker in memory of Debra Whitaker
Sue Wiese & Family in memory of Roger Wiese and Friends
Upcoming Services
Christmas Eve/Children’s Program-December 24th at 6:30 PM
Christmas Day Divine Service-December 25th at 9 AM
New Year’s Eve/Eve of Circumcision & Name of Our Lord Divine Service-December 31st at 6:30 PM
The Epiphany of Our Lord Divine Service (Joint Service w/Prs. Mueller and Zell) at St. James Reynolds-January 6th at 7 PM